a m a n d a
The Hobbit Wendy!
It's Wendy the Hobbit!
Basic Info

Um, this is Amanda. I know her from Fullerton or something. She's odd, but that's redundant since she's on my site. Um, she is loud, likes to embarrass people(sometimes too much), and stuff. If she got to be a fictional being it'd totally be a hobbit. She likes halflings. Especially ones that have red curly hair and hazel eyes... Hmm, what color are her eyes and her (dyed)hair again? She likes older punk stuff, not the new whiney, wish-we-could-be-as-cool-as-punk bands. Other than that, stuff and whatnot.

D.A.R.E. to keep kids off drugs...

Amanda Stats
Name: Amanda something
Nicknames: Dex, Dexter, Dexcurity
Birthdate: September 27
Sign: Libra... *thoughts of Kenneth Robert Mason III dance in my head...*
Hair: Naturally dirty.. blonde that is, now it's a dark redish auburn, but more redish
Eyes: Hazel! hey I got one!
Height: she says 5' 7" but she's really short on the inside
Favorite Color: I guessed right! Black and Red
Music: "Bad Religion, Dead Kennedy's, Ramones, TSOL, Misfits, Socail Distortion, old school punk pretty much, oh a lot of stuff on epitaph is good also. I really like pennywise and the bouncing souls and such."
Movies: Legend, Willow, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, anything Jay and Silent Bob, Spiderman, Fight Club, X-men, 50 First Dates, & Monthy Python movies
Misc.: Her favorite authors are Piers Anthony and Patricia C Wrede. She likes books and writes little story/quizzes herself.

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Amanda's sexy, sexy nose   Amanda's sexy, sexy nose...
and a close of Amanda's pussy!