branches butterfly on pink flower white butterfly on yellow flower cactusflower katydid orange blossom calla lilies citrus blossom daisy cool yellow flower
rose magnets olives 1 olives 2 oddie
David with fireworks German glass Oddie eyes reflection of clouds in a puddle nighttime street branches
sunset from room 1 sunset from room 2 sunset at work sunset at the beach the moon moon during an eclipse moonlight through trees moon over Las Vegas random cloud
statue in Germany 1 statue in Germany 2 statue in Vegas pillars in a German castle wall carving in same castle
dog shark by Josh color rich strawberry by Josh wall of choir room by Josh
a drawing from my journal "adam" based off of a blink song anakin skywalker random couple strange heart gown 1 gown 2 rendering of josh
sketches from my class luis and angelica "season of passage" "thru the eyes of ruby" rendering of scott tragedy ann rag doll woman rendering of Oddie
robert sleeping
emily (in blue) "lost opportunity" emily
quasi water color of a monkey