F R I E N D S 


My Friends

My friends are so depressed
I feel the question of your loneliness
Confide 'cause I'll be on your side
You know I will, you know I will...

I love all of you hurt by the cold
So hard and lonely too
When you don't know yourself...

My friends are so distressed
And standing on the brink of emptiness
No words I know of to express
This emptiness...


Imagine me taught by tragedy
Release is peace...
p a g e s  o f  m y  f r i e n d s
enright:  robert

bayerische:  josh

gloomy:  david

effekt:  eric
crazy legs:  mark

vicious chia pet:  kieu

dexter:  amanda

baby girl:  oddie, my cat

f r i e n d s '

l i n k s

34i:  kieu's newer page

addiction:  kieu's old page

with broken wings:  samantha's livejournal

we're forgetting how to fly:  samantha's webpage
das effekt:  eric's livejournal

maschine:  eric's newly opened club

version 7:  mark's page

i wish i had a kryptonite cross:  amanda's myspace profile

o t h e r  l i n k s
allourboys.com:  my brother's adopted family, the silcocks 30 boys

homestarrunner.com:  it's dot com! :)

foamy the squirrel:  a ranting squirrel and some goth chick

end of the world:  funny flash video

badger badger badger: ...mushroom mushroom(flash video)
Vampire Resource Exchange:  discuss vampire research(not RPG)

gold coast festivals:  small renaissance faires

engrish.com:  hilarious english mistranslations