j o s h 
where is it, dammit?

love addict


take a number

opposites attract

an old self now gone


story of my life

where is it, dammit?-

Emotions torn apart;
Security shredded like paper.
No one to love;
No one to love me.
Does love really exist,
Other than in the mind
Of a masochist?
For love equals pain.
A neverending cycle
Of misunderstood feelings.
That's what love is.
Love has a sick sense of humor.
When you think you've found it,
It runs and hides;
Behind another person.
It always slips from your grasp
When you need it most.
Fuck love.

love addict-

The endless rain
Splashes and pounds
On my already bruised heart;
Washes away the fragments
Left behind.
My soul echoes the sound
Of a hollow space;
A space that once was filled,
Before I became what I am.
I try to love;
To fill my empty heart;
But I constantly hurt the ones
I truly care for,
And hurt myself.
Like an addiction I feed,
Without thinking until afterwards
What I have done.
Why can't I stop?


I think about myself,
And I am scared
Of what I have become;
Or what I always was.
Finally starting to understand
And it's not a pretty thought.
I've resented others
Just like me,
Not knowing I was them.
But now I know,
And I wish that I could be
A little more naive;
Mature a little later.
I have seen the light,
Now I long for the darkness

take a number-

The door...
Is it locked?
Everyone kept getting in.
I gave out too many keys.
So did I change the lock?
I think so.
Then who can have the key?
Do I even have it?
Or did I lose it?
It won't be so easy...
This time;
To get in.
Where are the bolt cutters?
Or can the lock
Never be broken?
I wish I knew...
Who has the key
To my heart?

opposites attract-

Her touch...
It drives me wild.
Her eyes?
They melt me away.
My fingers in her hair
Send pangs of delight down my spine,
Which spread to my entire body.
Her lips give sinful indulgence.
Is it wrong?
Who's to say...
Can such joy be evil?
In her I see the virtues
That I cannot live up to.
She is the goodness
That balances my evil.
I am less then she deserves;
But I am all she wants.
Why don't I understand?


It is a term
Use to judge...
Judge what?
What does it determine?
Maybe it dictates
One's worthiness...
To be loved?
To have friends?
To be touched?
If not, then what?
This thing we call beauty;
It truly means nothing.
But still, we all strive
To be beautiful;
Though some more than others.
If beauty means nothing,
Then why does it rule all?

an old self now gone

Why has this happened?
Why has the sweet, caring
Boy that I once was
Become what it is now?
The things I say can hurt-
And for what reason are they said?
I don't know.
My mouth is faster than my brain.
No logic can be found
Behind my statements of stupidity.
If I might think
For even a moment before I speak,
Perhaps I might not hurt
The one I love so much.
Is my true self hidden,
Or is it showing through
An old facade?
An old self dissolving...?


This hypocritical, fucked up world
Wants me to conform;
To follow their ways;
To be their fucking slave.
I am no one's slave.
My brain is mine and mine alone,
Not to be fucked with by anyone but me.
This god damned religion
Follows me,
And begs me to believe the lies.
They want me to be "good",
But what the hell is "good"?
If only this piece of shit world
Would forget the stupid rules.
I could freely express my feelings.
Fuck the world,
Fuck the church,
Fuck this damn authority.
They abuse their power,
And would like to think
They can tell me what to do;
But I will not be controlled.
I will be myself.
I walk alone,
So fuck off.

story of my life-

Stopped at a light...
Red. Green.
Gas, turn, spin, wham!
Into the curb I go.
To the mechanic goes my car.
5 weeks? What the hell?!
Goodbye to $400.
Driving. Curving. Dog!
Swerving. Spinning. Slamming.
What was that telephone pole doing there?
Fixing. 13 hours?!
Goodbye to an entire day.
Driving. Green light.
No, that's not an arrow for you, stupid bitch!
Wham! Damn Honda drivers.
Car totalled, but driveable.
Hello to $1200!
Driving. Stopping.
Not quick enough.
Fuck it. I give up.
Goodbye to my car.
Good riddance.

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©2000 Joshua Stansfield