sometimes it rains inside my head
an ordinary girl, an ordinary waist I
but ordinary's just not good enough today


What to say about myself... Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, knows that I am fiercely nocturnal. I live for the night and I'm madly in love with it. Most of all I love the moon. I love swimming in moonlight*smirk*. I also love nature, particularly forest areas. I really love my cats too. I'm such a cat person.
I also absolutely love music. I enjoy all sorts except not rap or country western, but I guess there can be exceptions to everything. I have a thing for lyrics of songs. That's why they cover my page so much. I used to put more of them up... That's a good idea...
I'm one of those crazy spirits who just wants to be free. I love singing. I am pretty much jack of all trades, master of none. I also dabble a bit in belly dancing(sooo fun!) and I sample almost every other form of art including writing, drawing, crafts, photography... Anyway, I'm very social and often hyper.
The usual info about me is that I go to Fullerton College but for no particular major. I work at a family run car parts store. In my free time I do stuff, live at a coffee shop *coughdiedrich'scough*, clean(yes, I like to clean), think, hang out with friends*coughtetriscough*, etc... I'm your typical unusual person.

I met my maker, I made him cry

Vote for me for Savior and you'll go to Heaven

My Stats
Full Name: Brandy/Brenda Tressa _____
Nicknames: Butthead, Whiskey, Vodka, Martini, Whiskey Brandy "Pene" Colada Vodka Martini, Brandy v. 2.0, Version 2.0, Brandymouse, Bimmer Bitch, Lysithea, Brenda, Brandex, Brandice, Brandifferus, and Babydoll Legs.
Birthdate: June 7
Sign: Gemini w/scorpio rising & taurus moon
Hair: Medium brown
Eyes: hazel / grey / green / blue-ish / whatever...
Height: 5'2"
Fav. Color: black, silver, purple, and red
Music: Depeche Mode, Tool, Smashing Pumpkins, Lacuna Coil, Cure, Radiohead, Garbage, A Perfect Circle, Stabbing Westward, Nine Inch Nails, Evanescence, Gravity Kills, Apoptygma Berzerk, Linkin Park, and tons more...
Movies: Edward Scissorhands, American Beauty, Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean, Romeo & Juliet (1996) and Interview with the Vampire
Misc.: Favorite book: The Vampire Lestat Anne Rice, The Season of Passage Christopher Pike
Favorite dessert: Creme Brulee, Chocolate Wipeout Cake, and Chocolate Souffle Cake
Favorite show: Simpsons, Daria, Dead Like Me, Family Guy, Futurama, and Six Feet Under
i fall just to see you rise... in me and fall as well

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