o d d i e
Oddie are you okay, you okay, you okay Oddie... my baby girl You've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth criminal
Basic Info

Yes, I'm crazy enough to give my cat her own webpage. What can I say, she's my baby-girl. She even taught me how to speak cat. She loves me a lot and cries when I leave or even if I'm outside (she's an indoor cat). I got her from an adoption team and that's where she got her name, pronounced Odd·dee. Not Odie, like Garfield's slobbery friend. She's like a little kid in the way she behaves so that's why she is "my little girl" or "baby-girl."

Oddie Stats
Name: Oddie (pronounced Odd·dee)
Nicknames: Little girl, baby girl, meepers, mew-mew, monkey, whiner or whiner-butt, squeakers, (a strange cat noise), Oddie butt, Peepers, Miss Priss, and baby
Birthdate: circa April 8
Sign: Aries
Hair: White
Eyes: R: Blue
L: Hazel/yellowish
Theme Song: Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal, but with the "Annie" changed to Oddie
Favorite Person: Me!
Petting Spot: She likes to be petted on her nose and around her eyes and ears. She makes me pet her in our backyard, either on the table or in the center of the small yard after rolling in the dirt.
Misc.: Oddie was found when she was about 4 weeks old in a parking lot clawing at the ground. Then the woman gave her to the Adoption Team. The founder's daughter named her and got attached to her, and then we adopted her. She's best friends with my black cat, Ebony.

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