"I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel"
The Cure
Pictures of You
my charcoal of juliet
m e
me at 5
me in kindergarten
me in second grade
me in seventh grade
my graduation photo
me - orange choir folk
my el modena senior picture
my orange high student i.d.
w i t h
f r i e n d s
my friend francesca and i
my friend patty and i
josh and i red background
josh and i blue background
group at orange high prom 2001
josh and i in coburg, germany
f r i e n d s
enright's coat of arms
altered david picture
amanda with bad hair
amanda at 16
eric and his friend
eric "sars gonna gitcha"
eric looking lik tim skold
mark picture
mark at pat's graduation (circa 2000?)
mark via web cam
mark hanging out
josh - orange high choir
josh w/unmentionables in his mouth
josh helping with car troubles
josh's druggy look
josh's martyr phase
kieu and her friend
kieu spying boobs(outside of photo)