r o b e r t

Q: Why does the bride always wear white?

A: Because it's good to have your dishwasher, stove, and refrigerator all match.
the game of addicts...
"If you don't care where you are, then you ain't lost."

Q: How do you get a redhead to change her mood?

A: Wait ten seconds.
Basic Info

Enright, as we call him normally, is a special kind of breed. He's the type of guy who looks like a hippy(dang tree huggin' hippy) with long hair in a ponytail yet he's actually not. He a really awesome person who does good things like giving blood, donating hair(well, soon anyway), and being a human food disposal. He's really weird and kooky and very much a gentleman. Despite being a gentleman he does enjoy the occassional sexist joke, probably because they're just so funny. Um, too much depth for a blurb. Um, addicted to Tetris, burgers, coffee and pasta. He is a terrible influence on you if you're trying to go to sleep...(greedy piggy). Oh yeah, and for any who doesn't know this, Robert is an awesome name. ;) *coughminecough*

I adopted a cute lil' ninja "tadpole" from Fetusmart! Hooray "tadpole!"
could be worse, you could be a fat ninja

Enright Stats
Name: Robert Enright
Nicknames: Piggy, Enright, Moobunny, Thurtl, Enright Bunny, Mine *smirk*
Birthdate: August 23!(psst... I'm still a terrible friend, but now a friend with a prefix)
Sign: Virgo on the Leo cusp
Hair: Sandy/Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Hazel *purr purr purr purr purr
Height: 5' 9" "with shoes on"
Favorite Color: Black "no color-coordination skills necessary"
Music: Fenians!, American Wake, Pain, Ben Harper, Led Zepplin, Iron Butterfly, classic rock... and eigthies stuff... and classical stuff like Mozart, and likes to play guitar but also has talents in piano and trombone among everything that he picks up(ex-bandos rule!)... I had to verify this all with him *hangs head in shame*
Movies: (#1)Monty Python and the Holy Grail, (#2)Princess Bride, Supertroopers(candy bar!), Equilibrium, and some more (bad, bad friend) and he likes Futurama and the Simpsons
"you will take a dirt nap, you will be dead!"
Misc.: He a piggy when it comes to Tetris and he got me addicted too. I think I've become his family's new pet and why not? they keep feeding me. :) He gives blood every chance he gets(leave it to him to make it a party-like event). Also he never buys anything, he is either given it or finds it. About the only time he buys something is if he collected enough recyclables for it(sushi!). Yay craziness! Oh yeah, he's a Diedrich's bum and got me addicted to that also. Crazy Piggy.

(Yes I write some of this stuff down as notes for myself so I can remember. Aren't I devious?)
tetris piggy
Oink oink!
go link!
Grumble grumble...

Q: How do you turn a fox into an elephant?

A: Marry it!

Q: How do you get a redhead to argue with you?

A: Talk to her.

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